DramaturgyJitka Slavíková
In the first part, the concert program will offer famous arias from the operas of Bedřich Smetana , Giuseppe Verdi , Jules Massenet , Gaetano Donizetti and Giacomo Puccini . The second part will be a discovery journey into the known and unknown history and present of musical Ukraine. The program will present the works of important Ukrainian composers ( Yuriy Shevchenko , Mykola Lysenko , Semen Hulak-Artemovsky , Yakiv Stepovy , Oleksandr Bilash , Klimenty Dominchen , Myroslav Skoryk and Anatoly Kos-Anatolsky) performed by eight Ukrainian male and female singers working in Ukraine and abroad; we will hear many of them here for the very first time.
Yuri Shevchenko: We are
Bedřich Smetana: Eternal Gods (Libuše, Libuše )
Sofia Solovij
Giuseppe Verdi: O Carlo, ascolta – Io morrò (Rodrigo, Don Carlo )
Štěpán Drobit
Bedřich Smetana: How am I (Milada, Dalibor )
Valentina Plužnikova
Jules Massenet: Va! Laisse couler mes larmes (Charlotte, Werther )
Iryna Žytynska
Giuseppe Verdi: Che mai veggio… Infelice! E tuo credevi (Silva, Ernani )
Sergej Magera
Giuseppe Verdi: Patria oppressa (Macbeth)
Giuseppe Verdi: O figli, o figli miei! Ah, la paterna mano (Macduff, Macbeth )
Valentyn Dytjuk
Giacomo Puccini: Senza mamm a (Angelica, Sestra Angelica )
Sofia Solovij
Jules Massenet: Ah! Tout est bien fini – O souverain, ô juge, ô père (Rodrigo, Le Cid )
Denys Pivnickij
Gaetano Donizetti: Ah! tardai troppo – O luce di quest’anima (Linda, Linda di Chamounix )
Tetiana Žuravel
Pietro Mascagni: Regina coeli (Santuzza & Mamma Lucia, Peasant Cavalier )
Valentina Plužnikova and Iryna Žytynska
Jakiv Stepovij: Prelude in memory of Taras Ševčenko
Klimentij Dominčen: Hucul dance
Mykola Lysenko: When two separate
Denys Pivnickij & Štěpán Drobit
Semen Hulak-Artemovskyj: Scene and duet of Oksana and Andriy from the opera Zaporozhets za Dunaje m
Valentyn Dytjuk and Valentina Pluzhnikova
Julij Mejtus: Anna’s aria from the opera Stolen happiness by
Sofia Solovij
Mykola Lysenko: Aria Ostapa from the opera Taras Bulba
Štěpán Drobit
Anatoly Kos-Anatolsky: Oh, I will go among the mountains of
Tetiana Zuravel
Anatoly Kos-Anatolsky: Ah, the girl from the nut seed
Sergey Magera
Anatoly Kos-Anatolsky: I know that I am sinful
Iryna Zhytynska
Mykola Lysenko: Taras Bulba, Overture
Myroslav Skoryk: Melody
Sofia Solovij
Mykola Lysenko, Ivan Nebesnyj: Prayer for Ukraine
arrangement for eight soloists, choir and orchestra
The concert will take place in the State Opera, which was designed by the famous architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer. The same architects designed, among other things, the opera house in Odessa, where he worked as music directorAndriy Jurkevych, current music director of the State Opera. An exhibition of photographs by the internationally recognized Odessa artist Dmitry Skvortsov will also tell about Opera Odessa, before and after February 2022.